PROF. DR. MARIIA BULATOVA is Director of the Olympic Institute at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport; President of the Olympic Academy, (1999-now); the NOC Executive Board member (2000 – now) and NOC of Ukraine Vice-president (2018 – now); Vice President of the Association of European Olympic Academies (2018 – now); and a member of the IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Heritage (2016 – now).
For more than 20 years, Prof. Dr. Mariia Bulatova was the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal “Science in Olympic Sport” (1994-2014). Her academic interests are in the history of the Olympic movement, the social and cultural aspects of the Olympic Games, and Olympic education.
Prof. Dr. Mariia Bulatova is the author of over 300 publications, including 30 fundamental books on the history of the Olympic movement, Olympic sport and Olympic education.