DR. TOLGA ŞINOFOROĞLU is currently an associate professor in the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Kütahya Dumlupinar University, Türkiye and the head of Coaching Education Department. As an athlete, he has played basketball and handball in professional leagues, volleyball and football in local and regional leagues. He used to be a football referee for 15 years at professional leagues and a basketball coach in local and regional leagues. He received his PhD (history of sports) from the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Gazi University, Türkiye.
As an academician, he participates in research projects and has been a visiting professor at the International Olympic Academy (IOA). He also contributed to various scientific organisations, events and projects as a researcher and consultant. His research areas are history of sports, Olympism and the Olympic movement, fair play, ethics and morals in sports, on which he has published articles, books, and book chapters.